Major tea processing practices in India | Abstract
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Major tea processing practices in India

Author(s): Satyajit Sarkar, Anurag Chowdhury, Sanjay Das, Bhaskar Chakraborty, Palash Mandal, Monoranjan Chowdhury


Tea is world’s most popular beverages and is the economical backbones of various tea producing countries like India, China, Sri Lanka, Kenya etc. Indian tea is very much famous in the world, especially Darjeeling tea which is famous for its unique flavour and taste. Among the various types of tea, Orthodox tea is highly demandable among the various types of tea due to its quality. Present article focused on different types of major tea processing in India. In India, mostly three types of tea processing are practices, among them, CTC tea processing is more common followed by Green tea and Orthodox tea. In this paper, step wise details manufacturing process are presented. All the data are extracted during the extensive survey in different world famous tea gardens of Darjeeling hills, terai and duars of Northern West Bengal.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.11.0015

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