Kshara Sutra boon for cardiac patients with fistula an Ano | Abstract
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Kshara Sutra boon for cardiac patients with fistula an Ano

Author(s): Satender Tanwar*, Shailaja S. V.


Bhagandar (Fistula-in-Ano) is explained as one among Ashta Mahagada (The eight major diseases) in Sushruta samhita1. This disease is recurrent in nature which makes it more difficult for treatment. So, it produces inconvenience in routine life. The concept of kshar sutra has been explained in the context of Nadi vrana (sinus) by Acharya Sushruta2. The application of plane silk thread has been explained by the Hippocrates for the fistula in Ano. Kshar Sutra being a medicated thread prepared as per the standard protocol has been proved as a big revolution in the treatment of fistula-in-Ano. Some patient of fistula in ano will present with the complicated systemic ailments at that time it is difficult to perform surgery and need some alternate line of management, Kshara sutra plays an important role and the efficacy has been explained in various studies. In present study, the case presenting with cardiac complaints and twice has been undergone PTCA. Recently has been diagnosed with FIA and advised for surgery as patient had undergone incision and drainage for perianal abcess not willing to undergo surgery and opted for the kshar sutra. The patient received in the OPD of SKAMCH RC and has been treated with the kshar sutra prepared in the Lab of SKAMCH & RC by following the standard protocol of preparation. The patient is treated on OPD basis with weekly change of thread. The patient recovered well with complete excision of the tract within span of 10 weeks.

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