Isolation and identification of IAA producing endosymbiotic bacteria from Gracilaria corticata (J. Agardh) | Abstract
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Isolation and identification of IAA producing endosymbiotic bacteria from Gracilaria corticata (J. Agardh)

Author(s): Ilahi Shaik, P. Janakiram, Sujatha L, Sushma Chandra


Indole acetic acid is a natural phytohormone which influence the root and shoot growth of the plants. Six (GM1-GM6) endosymbiotic bacteria are isolated from Gracilaria corticata and screened for the production of IAA out of six, three bacterial strains GM3, GM5 and GM6 produced significant amount of IAA 102.4 μg/ml 89.40 μg/ml 109.43 μg/ml respectively. Presence of IAA in culture filtrate of the above strains is further analyzed and confirmed by TLC. As these bacterial strains, able to tolerate the high salinity these can be effectively used as PGR to increase the crop yield in saline soils.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.12.0012

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