Isolation and culture of suspension cultures of Sorghum bicolor | Abstract
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Isolation and culture of suspension cultures of Sorghum bicolor

Author(s): Sudhakar Pola, Sarada Mani N.


Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is an important cereal crop grown in the semi arid tropics of Africa and Asia due to its drought tolerance capability. Sorghum bicolor is one of the most complicated plant species for tissue culture and genetic transformation; Sorghum is considered to be the most recalcitrant species among the cereals for in vitro response. On the other hand Sorghum crop improvement through biotechnology requires efficient cell and suspension culture protocols. In the present study a protocol has been optimized for Isolation and culture of suspension cultures of Sorghum bicolor. Suspension cultures present advantages over stationary cultures. The cells are uniformly immersed in the culture medium containing nutrient ingredients. External manipulation of components is possible in suspension cultures. Genetic engineering experiments require efficient cell and suspension culture system for gene transfer experiments.

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