Islam and the importance of ethics in medical researches | Abstract
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Islam and the importance of ethics in medical researches

Author(s): Hanon sadoni, Mansooreh Hoghooghi, Khosrow Sharifi*


There has been an ascending trend in executing research projects in many developing countries in the past few decades along with improved health and in response to it, but these developments have not taken place at a rate commensurate with that of moral values. The foundation of correct clinical medicine was based on research many years ago, and the use of human subjects is necessary in many clinical studies. Therefore, supervision of compliance with all moral principles and codes in research seems to be necessary in order to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects and to prevent them from being exposed to possible risks resulting from research. In fact, the Nuremberg Code, the Helsinki Declaration, and the Belmont Report established ethical principles, rules, and codes in life sciences research to upgrade research qualitatively and quantitatively and to prevent any harm befalling human subjects in research projects. Many years have passed since the development of the Helsinki Declaration, and most countries of the world feel they are obliged to follow the principles mentioned in it. Nevertheless, a large number of studies have shown that, in spite of the great potential in executing research projects, the execution and examination of, and the supervision over, research projects are not desirable, especially in Middle Eastern countries. Islam has always emphasized individual abilities for making commitment to perform different duties. Moral intelligence is an applicable background in realizing research ethics. Reinforcing this ability, we can therefore contribute to the development of behavior according to medical and research ethics.

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