Is AST? A cardiogenic marker for fluoride induced toxicity in animal model | Abstract
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Is AST? A cardiogenic marker for fluoride induced toxicity in animal model

Author(s): 4507


The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of sodium fluoride on serum lipid profile and AST (aspartate aminotransferase) enzymes and the possible protective role of selenium against fluoride toxicity on serum AST levels and lipid profile. 18 male wistar albino rats were divided into 3 groups control, experimental and interventional groups. Both experimental and interventional group were given 200 ppm fluoride water, whereas the control group received RO filter for drinking. Interventional group received 5mg/kg body weight/day selenium as a single dose orally by using oral gavages for 20days at the end of experimental protocol. Chronic exposure of fluoride resulted in an increase in serum triglyceride and VLDL levels in both the experimental and interventional group. The levels of HDL decreased in experimental and interventional groups while no change was observed in serum cholesterol and LDL levels when compared to control group. There was an increase of serum AST levels in experimental and interventional group. Upon supplementation of selenium for 20 days, resulted in decreased triglyceride, VLDL levels, increased HDL levels and Decreased AST levels in interventional group when compared to experimental group which was statistically significant with control and experimental group. Reversals of these effects were probably due to selenium which is an antioxidant and ameliorative in nature. Supplementation of selenium in fluoride endemic zones can prevent cardiovascular diseases. Screen of AST levels along with lipid profile may probably help in diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases in people residing at fluoride endemic zones.

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