Investigation on population fluctuation of cucurbit fruit flies, Bactrocera cucurbitae associated with cucurbit crops | Abstract
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Investigation on population fluctuation of cucurbit fruit flies, Bactrocera cucurbitae associated with cucurbit crops

Author(s): Sohrab, C.S. Prasad, Wajid Hasan


The population of cucurbit fruit flies, Bactrocera cucurbitae of bitter gourd was observed vary much changeability at Block Daurala, District Meerut. Decreasing temperature negative effect was observed in cucurbits fruit flies population at District Meerut but positive effect of temperature was observed in cucurbit fruit population at District Saharanpur. Fruit flies population of cucurbits fruit increased with the increase of relative humidity, rainfall and decreased temperature while negative relationship was observed with maximum correlation in cucurbits in zaid and Kharif. Moderate to high negative correlation coefficients were observed between maximum temperature and population fluctuation of cucurbit fruit flies in cucurbits at both places. The significant positive and negative correlation coefficients were present between relative humidity, rainfall and temperature and percentage of fruit flies population

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