Investigating antioxidant effect of vitamins e, c on the incidence rate of preeclampsia and maternal and fetal prognosis in patients with increased risk of preeclampsia | Abstract
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Investigating antioxidant effect of vitamins e, c on the incidence rate of preeclampsia and maternal and fetal prognosis in patients with increased risk of preeclampsia

Author(s): Ali Ghomeishi, Mahin Najafian*


Disorders of hypertension in pregnancy are a component of the triple causes related to the morbidity and mortality of mother and baby. In the investigations, the role of oxidative stress has been proven in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia and the effect of free radicals in endothelial dysfunction. Essential nutrients such as vitamins C and E are able to eliminate free radicals that lead to cellular damage. Due to the cases above, this study was conducted to investigate the antioxidant effect of vitamins E&C on the incidence of Preeclampsia in pregnant women with high risk in terms of the incidence of this disease. The present study is a clinical trial. The statistical population includes 700 at risk women in terms of preeclampsia (nuliparas women). Subjects were in the age range of 20 to more than 35 years, with insulin-dependent diabetes, multiple pregnancies, overweight, previous preeclampsia history, chronic hypertension, vascular disease, collagen disease and renal disease. Patients were divided into two groups of 350 persons including the control group that just received Iron and folic acid and treatment group that received the antioxidant (E & C) in addition to iron and folic acid, afterwards the incidence rate of preeclampsia and its intensity was investigated in the two groups. Analysis was conducted by the chi-square method. The incidence rate of preeclampsia had no significant difference in the two groups of control and treatment but the incidence severity was less in the treatment than control group (P< 0.001) and also weight less than 2500 grams and gestational age less than 37 weeks was more in the control than treatment group. This difference was statistically significant (P< 0.001). According to the above-mentioned cases, consumption of antioxidants in patients with high risk in terms of preeclampsia can decrease severity of illness, reduce and improve neonatal and maternal outcome. Therefore, the use of these antioxidants is recommended during pregnancy in patients with preeclampsia.

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