Interpretation of renal biopsy and correlation of biochemical parameters in patients of minimal change disease and membranous glomerulopathy.. | Abstract
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Interpretation of renal biopsy and correlation of biochemical parameters in patients of minimal change disease & membranous glomerulopathy..

Author(s): Biswajeeta Saha*, Brijesh Mukherjee, Nageswar Sahu, Urmila Senapati


The main objective of the present study is to Study the relevance of biochemical parameters in classifying nephrotic syndrome and Comparison of the importance of histopathologic study with biochemical parameters. For this study patients clinically diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome & admitted to Nephrology department of KIMS, BBSR during the study period (Sept, 2011 to Sept, 2013), found to have Minimal change disease (MCD) & Membranous glomerulopathy (MGN) on renal biopsy have been enrolled. Biochemical investigations like serum albumin, 24 hour urine protein, serum cholesterol, serum creatinine and blood urea was carried out. Renal biopsy was done after taking consent. Statistical analysis was done using graph pad prism 6. A total of 50 cases were included in the study. After renal biopsy and H/P diagnosis, two groups of patients of MCD and MGN were created which included 28 cases of MCD and 22 cases of MGN. Most of the patients had Proteinuria in the range of 3.5-7.4gm/24 hrs (76%). 70% had serum albumin ≤2.5gm/dl. Mean value was 2.13±0.68 gm/dl. Mean value of serum cholesterol was 368±119 mg/dl and maximum patients had cholesterol in the range of 200-400 mg/dl. Mean serum creatinine & cholesterol values was higher in MGN as compared to MCD. Statistically correlating biochemical parameters were 24 hour urine protein, serum albumin, cholesterol and creatinine whereas in differentiating between MGN & MCD no biochemical parameters were statistically significant. This study gives a statistical evidence of the fact that biochemical parameters are not helpful in classifying nephrotic syndrome & in differentiating between MCD & MGN, which is the sole responsibility of renal biopsy and H/P study.

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