Integrated Nutrient Management for Increasing Growth with Sustainability of Baby Corn | Abstract
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Integrated Nutrient Management for Increasing Growth with Sustainability of Baby Corn

Author(s): Gurmeet Singh, Navtej Singh, Ramandeep Kaur*


Field experiment was conducted to study Integrated Nutrient Management for increasing Growth with Sustainability of Baby Corn on sandy loam soils, low in available N, high in available P and K for two consecutive kharif seasons of 2014 and 2015. The experiment was laid down in randomized block design having seven treatments i.e. T1= Control, T2= 100 per cent recommended dose of N, T3 = 5 tones of FYM + 100 kg inorganic N ha-1, T4= 10 tonne of FYM + 75kg inorganic N ha-1, T5= 15tonne of FYM + 50 kg inorganic N ha-1, T6= 20tonne of FYM + 25 kg inorganic N ha-1, T7= 25 tonne of FYM ha-1 replicated four times. Significant increase in all growth parameters of baby corn was observed with Integrated Nutrient Management over control. Moreover, among nutrient management treatments, the integration of 5 tonne of FYM with 100 kg of inorganic N ha-1 came out to be the best for all growth characters viz. plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf area index and dry matter accumulation.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.02.009

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