Increased incidence of Anti - IgG of Coxsackievirus and Cytomegalovirus among diabetic children in Egypt. | Abstract
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Increased incidence of Anti - IgG of Coxsackievirus and Cytomegalovirus among diabetic children in Egypt.

Author(s): Adel Abdel-Moneim, Waled M. El-Senousy, Mahmoud Abdel-Latif, Rehab G. Khalil, Amany A. Arafa


Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Coxsackievirus (CV) are included in the environmental factors potentially relevant to the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes (T1D). Thus, this study aimed to detect the prevalence of both anti-IgG for each of CV and CMV in diabetic children with (EV+) or without (EV-) enteroviruses infection. The current study revealed that the T1D-EV+ and T1D-EV- groups had marked elevations in hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), C-reactive protein (CRP) and glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibodies (GADA) as compared to non-diabetic control. Moreover, anti-IgG for the CV and CMV groups were detected in three groups; diabetic infected (T1D-EV+), diabetic non-infected (T1D-EV-) and control group. Detection of anti-CV IgG achieved 22.7%, 6.7% and 64% in control, T1D-EV- and T1D-EV+, respectively. However, detection of anti-CMV IgG revealed 23.4%, 50% and 40% in control, T1D-EV- and T1D-EV+, respectively. In conclusion, the prevalence of the antibodies of CV-IgG and CMV-IgG in the sera of diabetic children more than that in healthy control children may give a role of these viruses in the etiology and progression of T1D.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2017.9.4

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