Incidence of pre-diabetes and its risk factors in rural Maharashtra, India. | Abstract
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Incidence of pre-diabetes and its risk factors in rural Maharashtra, India.

Author(s): Ingole Abhishek N*, Mudey A. B., Wagh V.


Pre-diabetes is a metabolic state that relates to insulin resistance resulting in non-diabetic hyperglycemia, as diagnosed by blood glucose levels between 110-125 mg/dL on overnight fasting or postprandial values between 140-200 mg/dL.1 ‘Pre-diabetes’ is considered as a distinct entity under ICD-10 classification with diagnostic code R73-09.2It is an intermediate state between normal glucose regulation and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Mostimportantly, being a reversible condition, it presents the last window of opportunity for action against impending T2DM.3 Adopting healthy lifestyle with changes in work profile, physical activity, dietary pattern and weight has shown to have beneficial effects in halting the progression to T2DM.1,4

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