Hypoglycemic effect of bitter gourd in a healthy individual - a report with brief review | Abstract
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Hypoglycemic effect of bitter gourd in a healthy individual - a report with brief review

Author(s): Prabhu N*, Ismail M., Marzuk S. M., Thirumalaikolundusubramanian P.


A Normotensive and Non diabetes individual reported of giddiness on raising from the bed and had laboratory examinations for diabetes and hypertension. The blood pressure was 120/ 80 mm hg and the blood sugar level was 60/dL. The person is having no history of diabetic but father is a known diabetic for 8 years. The individual study revealed that consumption of bitter gourd over and above during the previous night dinner. On having the breakfast, the individual did not report the giddiness and he became normal. The reasons for the giddiness at the time of awakening was attributed to the consumption of over dose of bitter gourd which is scientifically proved as having effect on the enzyme which breaks down the disaccharides to monosaccharides and thus prevent the absorption of glucose by the blood from the diet. This study revealed that, the known diabetics and pre diabetics should be cautious to have dinner with bitter gourd and the report of giddiness may be linked to the consumption of the bitter gourd in the dinner. This study showed that the giddiness was due to hypoglycemic effect effect caused by bitter gourd.

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