Health education barriers, encountered by nurses at oral healthcare units | Abstract
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Health education barriers, encountered by nurses at oral healthcare units

Author(s): Azza Fathi Ibrahim*, Thoraya Mohamed Abdelaziz


World-wide accepted methods for prevention and management of oral health problems are the health education messages. Nurses are facing multiple difficulties when assuming health education activities with dental patients. Therefore, this is a descriptive study, aimed to determine the health education barriers encountered by nurses at oral healthcare units. 125 nurses were selected randomly by convenient sampling, included 55 from Alexandria Dental Research Center at Smoha and 70 from free dental and oral clinic in El Amery University hospital, Alexandria, Egypt. Health Education Barriers Questionnaire (HEBQ) was used to collect the necessary data of the study which was developed by Abd El Mohsen A., in 2009. Based on the analysis of the subject's responses, the results revealed that: the nurses at oral health units have a serious lack in knowledge regarding health education process and there are several barriers and difficulties faced them in providing oral health education related to themselves, patients, health setting and health staff. The major recommendations are; to develop an oral health education strategic plan, in Alexandria for nurses; to construct a vision to manage any obstacles may face nurses in oral health education in Alexandria or Egypt as a whole.

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