Growth and nutrient utilization responses of heteroclarias (Heterobranchus bidorsalis x Clarias gariepinus) fed dietary levels of Ipomea batatas leaf meal | Abstract
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Growth and nutrient utilization responses of heteroclarias (Heterobranchus bidorsalis x Clarias gariepinus) fed dietary levels of Ipomea batatas leaf meal

Author(s): Anyanwu D. C.*, Udedibie A.B.I., Osuigwe D. I.


The growth and nutrient utilization responses of Heteroclarias (hybrid catfish) post fingerlings of H. bidorsalis x C. gariepinus fed 35% isonitrogenous dietary levels of 0%(TI1), 5%(TI2), 10%(TI3), 15%(TI4) and 20%(TI5) Ipomea batatas leaf meal were determined in a 3 replicate experiment that lasted for 8 weeks. 15 post-harvest fingerlings, measuring 11.35 ±0.10g in mean weight were randomly assigned to each treatment. 15 plastic aquaria, 250 x 150cm in dimension were used for the trial. The fish were fed twice daily at 5% body weight and growth response monitored. The daily protein intake did not show significant differences among the treatments (p>0.05). The specific growth rate and protein efficiency ratio of the control were significantly (p<0.05) higher than the dietary treatments of Ipomea batatas. The feed conversion ratio of the control was significantly (p<0.05) superior to only TI3 (10%IBLM). Although higher levels of Ipomea batatas leaf meal up to 20% dietary inclusion showed improved responses, the overall performance of the experimental fish was significantly (p<0.05) higher for the control, than all the leaf meal dietary treatments.

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