Green nanomedicine: an alchemy touch to cancer treatment. | Abstract
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Green nanomedicine: an alchemy touch to cancer treatment.

Author(s): Singh Surya Pratap*, Gupta Seema, Sharma Nimisha


This paper is an overview of advances and prospects in applications of nanotechnology for cancer detection, prevention and treatment. Here we address preventive measures, disease-time treatment, and diagnosis in the context of some of the most recent advances in nanotechnology. Nanoparticle science is also briefly addressed as the foundation upon which most nanotechnology cancer therapy is based. It is demonstrated how nanotechnology can help solve one of the most challenging and long standing problems in medicine using it’s 3 basic methods: Conjagative nanoparticle, Laser ablation of tissues, Hyperthermic method; which is how to prevent cancer in current perspective. This has paved a path for an alchemy touch with our natural friends- “Plants” (Curcumin, Cinnamom, Gum Arabic, Polygala senega) to eliminate cancer without harming normal body tissue.

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