Fungal biomass production using Deproteinised Leaf Juice (DPJ) of Trigonella foenum-graecum | Abstract
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Fungal biomass production using Deproteinised Leaf Juice (DPJ) of Trigonella foenum-graecum

Author(s): Sayyed I. U.*


Isolation of leaf protein from the green foliage which releases Deproteinised Leaf Juice (DPJ). DPJ contains sugars, amino acids, minerals etc. Studies were conducted to investigate the possibilities to grow fungi on the deproteinised juice prepared from Trigonella foenum- graecum L. for the production of fungal biomass. Fresh green foliage of spinach was harvested early in the morning at a preflowering stage. It was pulped using pulper and subsequently pressed and the juice released due to the pressing was collected. The juice released during fractionation was employed for the preparation of LPC by head coagulation and the DPJ released after precipitation and isolation of proteins in juice was collected. The samples of DPJ were dried in hot air oven at 650 C. The conventional GN medium was prepared. Simultaneously, the dry DPJ was dissolved in distilled water at various concentrations and used as a medium for growing fungi. The flasks were inoculated for 8 to 12 days after inoculation. The fungal biomass was harvested by filtration through Whatman filter paper. The mycelial biomass was dried along with the filter paper in an oven at 65±50C till constant weight. The yield of mycelial dry weight (MDW) was then recorded. During all experiments, the culture filtrate was collected after harvesting the biomass. During present investigation that for maximum production of mycellial biomass of fungi on deproteinized juice of Trigonella foenum- graecum L in comparison with GN media.

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