Formulation of oral iron chelator deferasirox in a new stable and suitable dosage form with optimum release parameters. | Abstract
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Formulation of oral iron chelator deferasirox in a new stable and suitable dosage form with optimum release parameters.

Author(s): Yugandhar K. M., Vasanth P. M., Suresh K., Ramesh T., Ramesh Malothu*


Regular blood transfusions for patients with chronic anemia inevitably lead to iron overload in the blood. The cumulative effect of iron overload may cause morbidity and mortality if not treated with chelator. Oral iron chelator, Deferasirox used in the treatment of β-thalessemia is designed and developed into a stable solid oral dispersion dosage form to deliver with optimum concentration of the drug at desired site at specific time comparable to the innovator product. The excipients were formulated by direct compression method (F-1) and wet granulation method (F-2 to F-9). The disintegration time (33 seconds), dispersion time (62 seconds) and the percentage of drug release (98.3%) (F-8) were found to be satisfactory and it matches with the innovator product.

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