First record of Pestalotiopsis spp. from affected leaves of mastic shrubs (Pestacia lentiscus L.) in northeastern of Libya. | Abstract
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First record of Pestalotiopsis spp. from affected leaves of mastic shrubs (Pestacia lentiscus L.) in northeastern of Libya.

Author(s): Zahra Ibrahim El-Gali


This study was carried out to identify the unknown different symptoms and their causes as plant pathogenic fungi from Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar District. Plant materials with fungal signs and symptoms were collected and examined. The main fungi consistently isolated from symptomatic leaves and twigs were Pestalotiopsis spp. Morphology, colony characteristics, and pathogenicity of the isolates were examined. My report the occurrence of Pestalotiopsis spp. on leaves of mastic (Pistacia lentiscus) for the first time in Libya.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.08.004

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