Factors affecting the post larval production of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de man) by using different types of feeds.. | Abstract
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Factors affecting the post larval production of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de man) by using different types of feeds..

Author(s): Shailender M*, Krishna P. V., Suresh Babu C.H.


In the present study was conducted to know the importance of for the effects of different types of feed on larval survival of Macrobrachium rosenbergii. In this experiment total nine tanks are selected and were divided, placed under three experiments (Viz. E1, E2, and E3) each having three replicates. The feshly hatched out larvae (Zoea) were collected and stocked in three different treatment tanks. The larvae were stoked in E1 (Artemia nauplii and egg custard), E2 (Artemia nauplii only) and E3 (Freeze dried (Cyclop-eeze only). The survival rate of postlarvae found to vary from 5 to 40%. Highest rate of survival was recorded for the treatment of E1 (31.5- 40.2 %) and the lowest survival was recorded in E3 (3.0- 5.2 %). Such variations was occurred due to higher nutritive and growth promoting value of egg custard. The result obtained from the present study indicated that rearing of freshwater prawn larvae by improved management techniques can be considered economically viable and acceptable. So the production of post larvae of prawn was increased significantly by using Artemia nauplii and egg custard as larval diet.

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