Extracting and complexing properties of di-, tri- and tetra ThiaCalix [4] arenes | Abstract
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Extracting and complexing properties of di-, tri- and tetra ThiaCalix [4] arenes

Author(s): Amel Ben Othman, Imen Ben Fredj, Rym Abidi


In the present work, the focus is the study of complexing and extracting properties of three nanoscale derivatives namely multicalixarenes 2C, 3C and 4C which the latter structure is a dendrimer structure of first generation. The metal cations included in this study are the alkali metal, alkaline earth metal, some transition metals, heavy metals and lanthanides. This study was conducted essentially in methanol to determine the stoichiometry of the complexes formed, or the location of the coordination sites, and finally to evaluate selectivity's. These studies have been conducted by UV-visible spectrophotometry, conductivity and proton NMR. The liquid-liquid extraction picrates metal cations followed by UV-visible showed strong selectivity dicalixarenic derived for sodium. The solid liquid extraction of metal picrates followed by 1H-NMR shows an intra- or intermolecular exchange of cations within the calixarene units studied nanocomposites.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.10.007

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