Evaluation of rice tablet (Aluminum Phosphide) poisoning in Iranian consumers | Abstract
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Evaluation of rice tablet (Aluminum Phosphide) poisoning in Iranian consumers

Author(s): Farkhondeh Jamshidi, Ahmad Ghorbani, Sina Darvishi


The abuse of some pesticides especially to suicide is one of the current problems of pesticides. Aluminum phosphide induced poisoning usually happens to suicide and sometimes it is due to accidental occupational exposure and in a few cases, it has some criminal intensions. This study is conducted to evaluate patients poisoned with aluminum phosphide. In the present study, the medical records of cases of poisoning with rice tablets (aluminum phosphide) hospitalized in Ahvaz Razi hospital is studied. Accordingly, a checklist is prepared that included demographic information of patients (age, gender) and information on patient records (information on poisoning) are completed using the patients’ medical records. The analysis of data is done by SPSS V22. 18 patients poisoned with rice tablet (aluminum phosphide) are studied. Results of the study show that 11 patients are male and seven are female. The mean patient age is 27.06 ±8.04 years that is 28 ±9 and 25 ±6.02 in men and women respectively. Statistical tests show no statistically significant difference in mean age in both genders (P> 0.05). Among patients, 11 subjects took aluminum phosphide to attempt suicide and 3 cases took it unintentionally and of course the reason is not mentioned in four cases. Among the patients who tried to commit suicide by taking aluminum phosphide, 6 cases are male and 5 cases are female that no statistically significant difference is observed between the genders in this respect (P> 0.05). In addition to the study of the complications caused by this poisoning and its mortality, it is recommended to responsible authorities to provide the necessary educations and treatments to prevent this type of poisoning.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.11.008

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