Evaluation of enzymatic antioxidants in lung cancer patients.. | Abstract
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Evaluation of enzymatic antioxidants in lung cancer patients..

Author(s): Evaluation of enzymatic antioxidants in lung cancer patients


Smoking is one of the major lifestyle factors influencing the health of human beings. It is known that cigarette smoke and tar phase contain a number of oxidizing compounds, reactive oxygen species and carcinogens, which damage the genome, membranes and macromolecules of cells. Cells living in an oxygen-rich environment are inundated with various endogenous and exogenous sources of reactive oxygen species. As a result, cells have evolved numerous defense mechanisms to counteract and limit the levels of reactive oxidants and the cellular damage that can ensue. The primary target of reactive oxygen species is presumed to be cellular DNA. Reactive oxygen species may act as carcinogenic agents by including structural changes in DNA and modulating expression of stress relating genes. The aim of the present investigation was therefore to evaluate the levels of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase among lung cancer patients compared to controls. Results revealed statistically significant (p < 0.05) decrease in the enzymatic antioxidant levels in the lung cancer patients compared with the control group. The present investigation suggests further efforts are necessary to fully elucidate the importance of antioxidant enzymes as a biomarker for an early and timely diagnosis of lung cancer.

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