Evaluation of earthworm powder (Eudrilus eugeniae) and its application in cotton crepe bandage. | Abstract
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Evaluation of earthworm powder (Eudrilus eugeniae) and its application in cotton crepe bandage.

Author(s): Anjana J. C.*, Sruthy P. B., Rathinamala J., Jayashree S.


From time immemorial earthworms have been used as therapeutic agents. Earthworm possess rich natural sources of antioxidants and are used with other herbs to treat a wide variety of conditions ranging from spasms and convulsions to pain relief, treatment of fever and certain types of arthritis. Focusing this, in our present study, the earthworm powder was prepared and its glucose, protein, lipid, phenol contents were analyzed. The minimum inhibitory concentration and antimicrobial assays were performed against selected human pathogens. The powder was subjected to antioxidant assays. The protein bands were visualized by performing SDS PAGE. The thin layer chromatography was performed to analyze the bio- constituents present in it. The powder which is having the antimicrobial and antioxidant activity was impregnated to cotton crepe bandage to bring out its therapeutic application in bandage.

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