Evaluation of anti-inflammatory property of vanillin in carrageenan induced paw edema model in rats.. | Abstract
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Evaluation of anti-inflammatory property of vanillin in carrageenan induced paw edema model in rats..

Author(s): Srikanth D., Vishma Hydie Menezes, Nischal Saliyan, Rathnakar U. P.*, Shiv Prakash G., Sahana D. Acaharya, Ashok Shenoy K., Udupa A. L.


Introduction: Vanillinis known to have antimutagenic, anti-invasive and metastatic suppression potential. Antinociceptive property in acetic acid induced visceral pain models, antioxidant and hepato-protective properties of in carbon tetrachloride-treated rats have also been demonstrated. Objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of vanillin on acute inflammation induced by carrageenan in rats. Methods: Rats were assigned to five groups [Control, Asprin and three Vanillin groups,] of six animals each. Carrageenan induced paw edema was used to evaluate anti-inflammatory activity. Paw volume was measured using digital plethysmo meter (UgoBasile 7141) various intervals following carrageenan challenge. One way ANOVA was used for statistical analysis of differences in paw volumes. Results: There was significant decrease in the paw volume at 100mg/kg and 200mg/kg doses of vanillin when compared to control group. Conclusion: Vanillin at a dose of 100mg/kg and 200 mg/kg demonstrated a significant decrease in paw volume, suggesting a potential anti-inflammatory activity.

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