Ethno-veterinary wisdom of birhore tribes of Jharkhand | Abstract
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Ethno-veterinary wisdom of birhore tribes of Jharkhand

Author(s): Ashutosh Kumar, Dr. Mairh, P. K. Mishra*


The state Jharkhand, is rich in biodiversity and the knowledge of its traditional usage. The tribe Birhore, of Jharkhand is the custodian of traditional botanical knowledge and their life is solely dependent on forest. Due to various anthropogenic as well as natural reasons, the population of Birhore is shrinking rapidly. So it is needed to document their knowledge. Conservation and proper management of local vegetation is required for sustainable existence of the tribe. The paper deals with the plants used by this tribe for various purposes. Plants with botanical names, family, local names and parts used, mode of preparation and administration is given. The plants are therapeutically used against different diseases of cattle, such as dysentery, diarrhea, boils and FMDB are covered.

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