Ethno-medicinal explorations of some important plants of district Banswara (Southern Rajasthan) used by tribal community | Abstract
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Ethno-medicinal explorations of some important plants of district Banswara (Southern Rajasthan) used by tribal community

Author(s): Shafkat Rana, Dilip Kumar Sharma*, P. P. Paliwal, Nandini Sharma


A floristic and ethno-botanical survey of plants of medicinal value of tehsil Bagidora (District Banswara) was done. Approximate 78% of the population mostly the tribes, still prefers to use herbs for different diagnostic purposes but the rural community used these herbal drugs along with modern medicines. Tribal cultures well versed about ethno-botanical information and uses of these medicinal plants for treatment of different diseases, wounds, fractures and other ailments. In the present study, 31 plant species listed that were used by the rural and tribal people for their various diagnostic uses. Medicinal values of these plants are largely collected and based on folk practitioners through the exhaustive interviews with local physicians practicing indigenous system of medicine, village headmen, priests and tribal folks. The study provides information that either the whole plant or different parts like leaves, stem, bark, roots, etc. directly or in different traditional formulations are used.

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