Estimation of serum magnesium and zinc levels in type 2 diabetes mellitus | Abstract
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Estimation of serum magnesium and zinc levels in type 2 diabetes mellitus

Author(s): Jaswant Kaur*, Tajinder Singh


Diabetes mellitus is chronic disease characterized by defective insulin production or utilization. Type-2 diabetes mellitus has mainly peripheral insulin resistance as a cause with or without insulin secretary defects. In particular, type-2 diabetes mellitus has been shown to be associated with abnormalities in the metabolism of Zinc, Chromium, Magnesium and Manganese. The serum levels of Zinc and Magnesium are usually low in diabetic patients. The study finding may exhibit the extent of deficiencies of these two trace elements in relation to duration of the disease. It may be utilized to optimize the control of type-2 diabetes mellitus by supplementation of zinc and magnesium. By doing so the metabolic complications of diabetes mellitus can be delayed.

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