Estimation of dressing percentage and carcass traits on slaughter weight in Sudanese zebu cattle | Abstract
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Estimation of dressing percentage and carcass traits on slaughter weight in Sudanese zebu cattle

Author(s): Lado Milton M.*, Salah K. Jubarah, Erneo B. Ochi


This Study was conducted at the Hilat Kuku Research Centre to determine the effect of slaughter weight on the slaughter traits and the whole sale cuts. A total of thirty-three bulls of the Western Sudan Baggara breeds were used. They were allocated purposively into three groups based on slaughter weights. Carcasses were measured and the slaughter traits determined statistically using ANOVA and Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results indicated that the external offal and viscera weights increased with an increase of slaughter weight. The dressing percentage on slaughter and empty body weight basis showed no significant difference (P> 0.05) due to differences in slaughter weight. Shrinkage percentage declined from 3.0 to 1.9 as slaughter weight increases. Carcass length and chest width and leg circumference increased insignificantly with the increase of slaughter weight. While shin length and abdominal depth increased significantly (p<0.05) with an increase of the slaughter weight. Whole sale cuts percentage increased with an increase of slaughter weight. Some of the cuts decreased with an increase of slaughter weight. Most of the slaughter traits are influenced by slaughter weight. Hence, the thin flank could be utilized to predict the carcass weight. Further comparative study is needed with the South Sudanese Nilotic zebu bulls.

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