Effectiveness of acupressure therapy on menstrual pain perception among adolescent girls with primary dysmenorrhea | Abstract
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Effectiveness of acupressure therapy on menstrual pain perception among adolescent girls with primary dysmenorrhea

Author(s): Esther Christina, Geeta Sahu, Piyali Saha, Poonam Sharma, Sajda Bano, Sheela Kushwah, Bharat Singh Gaur, Rukmanee Malviya


Acupressure is one of the most popular alternative modality which is been practiced worldwide presently. Activating “The Acupoint Sp6 or San Yin Jiao or Spleen 6” point by pressing and releasing every day as a preventive measure for reducing the problems like pre-menstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation. The present study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of acupressure therapy on menstrual pain perception among adolescent girls with primary dysmenorrhea in Peoples College of Nursing, Bhanpur, Bhopal, M.P. Totally 60 samples were taken by using Purposive sampling technique. The research design selected for present study was one group pre-test post-test design. Result- The pre-test pain score mean was 6.18 and post-test pain score mean was 1.88. The calculated value of ‘t’ was 7.41 which was very much higher than the tabulated ‘p’ value <0.005 at 5 % level of significance. This shows that there was very high significant difference between the pain score of pre- test and post-test. There is a no significant association found between the pain score with selected socio demographic variable.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.10.005

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