Effect of yoga intervention in chronic rhinosinusitis | Abstract
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Effect of yoga intervention in chronic rhinosinusitis

Author(s): Anita Choudhary*, T. S. Choudhary, Radheshaym Mishra


Chronic rhinosinusitis is a common disease affecting peoples of all ages, especially those with allergies; inflammation leads impaired drainage and poor ventilation from the sinuses. Diagnosis is made by clinical symptoms, nasal endoscopy and CT scan and if not treated can be life threatening due to proximity of brain.The main aim of study was to observe the effect of 8 weeks of yogic interventions techniques in patients suffering from chronic rhinosinusitis. The study methods involved thirty six patients diagnosed with idiopathic chronic rhinosinusitis aged 15 to 45 years was studied. All patients were evaluated by two clinical scores (cough and nasal discharge) and radiological score at the beginning of the study. Then under supervision of yoga experts they were made to practice yogic techniques (Bhramari pranayamas and Jala Neti) for a period of 8 weeks. The clinical and radiological score were measured again 2 weeks after the end of study. In the present study results of all data are expressed as mean and SD differences in the measurement variables within the group were assessed by differences of scores between group -1(study group) and group- II (control group) as measured before and at the end of the study were calculated by Mann- Whitney U Test. Probability (p) values of 0.05 or less were considered significant. In the present study the difference of score before and after interventions of yoga techniques in the study group, improved significantly in both clinical score (P < 0.05) and CT scores (P < 0.05).In conclusionthe results of the present study showed that regular practice of jala Neti which cause cleansing of nasopharynx with lukewarm saline improves muco-cilliary clearance, chanting in Nada pranayamas improves ventilation in sinuses both helps in decreasing inflammation. Thus decreases symptoms and medication use in patients of chronic rhinosinusitis. Thus yogic techniques can be used as adjuvant therapy in management of chronic rhinosinusitis.

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