Effect hibernation on liver and oviduct of (Testudo graeca cyrenaica Linnaeus, 1758) | Abstract
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Effect hibernation on liver and oviduct of (Testudo graeca cyrenaica Linnaeus, 1758)

Author(s): Yousef K.A. Abdalhafid, Ezaldin A.M. Mohammed, Awatif Farag Abdulsyid


This study described the effects the hibernation in the structure and functions of liver and oviduct of (Testudo graeca cyrenaica Linnaeus, 1758) during hibernation season and activity season, the result reveled that, histological section of oviduct during hibernation season showing atrophy and degeneration of the glandular region, comparing with nearly normal structure after the hibernation, one the other hand, the histological section of liver showing fatty and pigment liver cells were more abundant with damage particularly in female hibernation season while nearly normal structure and almost normal pattern with less abundant fatty after hibernation season.

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