Editorial Note for International Journal of Bioassays | Abstract
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Editorial Note for International Journal of Bioassays

Author(s): Manal Fawzy Ahmed


I am pleased to mention that during the year 2020, all issues of volume 8 were published online well within the time and the print issues were also brought out and dispatched within 30 days of publishing the issue online.
International Journal of Bioassays [ISSN: 2278-778X] is an Open Access, Peer-Reviewed, Multidisciplinary Journal. Int.J.Bioassays publishing full-length original Research Articles (RA), Review Articles (RevArt), Short Communications (SC), Case Studies (CS) and Letters To Editor (LTE) in the areas of Biological, Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences. All manuscript submissions will be subjected to Peer-Review by experts in the field. Manuscripts with high quality will be published without delay.
IJBIO also about to bring out a supplement to upcoming June August 2020 volumes, which having estimates consisted of more than 30 articles abstracts of an international conference on the pandemic situation occurring in the world related with COVID-19. Papers published in our Journal can therefore fall under the domain of not only biological chemistry, chemical biology, or biochemistry, but also allied disciplines such as systems biology, RNA biology, microbiology, neurobiology, epigenetic, computational biology, Chemical composition of living matter, Applied biochemistry, Biochemical reactions, Genetics, Plant biochemistry, Amino acids & protein sequence, Protein structure & function, Enzyme kinetics, Coenzymes, Lipids & membranes.
During the calendar year 2020, International Journal of Bioassays received a total of 30 papers, out of which 6 articles were rejected in the preliminary screening due to plagiarism or being out of the format and peer review process. During 2020 around 16 articles were subjected for publication after they are accepted in the peer review process. In the 4 issues of Volume 9 published during the year 2020, a total of 15 articles were published (at an average of 3 articles per issue of which, articles were published from authors all around the world. A total of 30 research scientists from all over the world reviewed the 15 articles published in volume 9. Average publication period of an article was further reduced to 15-24 days.
During the calendar year 2020, a total of 3 Editors, 8 Reviewers joined the board of IJBIO and contributed their valuable services towards contribution as well as the publication of articles, and their valuable reviewer comments will beneficial to publish quality of the article in the Journal.
I take this opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of Editor-in-chief and Associate Editor during the final editing of articles published and bringing out issues of IJBIO in time. I would also like to express my gratitude to all the authors, reviewers, the publisher, language editor, honorary editors, the scientific advisory and the editorial board of IJBIO, the office bearers for their support in bringing out the new volume (Volume 9) of IJBIO for the calendar year 2020 and look forward to their unrelenting support further to release more issues for International Journal of Bioassays in scheduled time.

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