Diuretic efficacy of Cynodon dactylon on guinea pigs with comparison of medium efficacy. | Abstract
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Diuretic efficacy of Cynodon dactylon on guinea pigs with comparison of medium efficacy.

Author(s): Aruna D., Chakarvarthy K., Sarath Babu K.*


The present study was aimed to evaluate the anti-diuretic properties of Cynodon dactylon. Guinea Pigs were divided in four group of 6 each (Group-I-Control, Group-II standard, Group-III and Group-IV low and high dose test). Control group received 0.9% normal saline (25ml/kg), Standard (Hydrochlorthiazide 2.5ml/kg), Test (Cynodon dactylon 1.25ml and 2.5ml/kg). All the drugs were administered and diuretic activity was evaluated. After 5h of drug administration urine volume, sodium, potassium and chloride were estimated. 2.5ml/kg plant administered groups showed high urine output, sodium, potassium and chloride extraction compared to other groups. From the study observations Cynodon dactylon have diuretic activity. Further studies required to find the mechanism action of plant extract.

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