Distinct blue print to restraint neglected tropical diseases Bhagwati K. Gauni Mehariya1*, Krunal R. Mehariya 1, 2 | Abstract
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Distinct blue print to restraint neglected tropical diseases Bhagwati K. Gauni Mehariya1*, Krunal R. Mehariya 1, 2

Author(s): Bhagwati K. Gauni Mehariya, Krunal R. Mehariya


Since few decades many developing countries are bearing the strain of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) and they are the most common infections of the World’s poorest people living in Africa, Asia and Americas. Till date, neglected tropical diseases imitate a group of conditions whose cluster level is obtained from deficiency of efforts directed to their declination. Global efforts have been done to control thirteen parasitic and bacterial infections that affect more than 1.4 billion people. The global usage of drug therapies for reducing the severity of NTDs was introduced few years ago. This singular approach should be elaborate to more extensive set of tools like coordinated community-based programs, vector control, local training, education and environmental change. In more, accelerated schedule is crucially needed to establish adequate diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic interventions to stay one step ahead of the evolutionary adaptation system of disease-causing microorganisms and parasites.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.09.008

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