Disorder of cholesterol and electrolytes metabolism in hypertension. | Abstract
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Disorder of cholesterol and electrolytes metabolism in hypertension.

Author(s): Pawan Kumar Gupta


Hypertension is an asymptomatic, important disease regarded as a multifactorial disorder of modern life. The frequency of hypertension range from 6-32%. People with hypertension have lipid abnormality and electrolyte abnormalities when compared to individual with normotensive. There is positive association between sodium chloride (Nacl) intake and blood pressure. In present study we are going to evaluate serum cholesterol and electrolyte level in hypertensive and in normotensive. The present study was carried out on total 200 subjects, which were divided into two groups. First group of experimental group consists of 100 subjects with known hypertensive patient (B.P>140/90mm of Hg). Another group is control group consists of 100 subjects who were healthy normotensive (B.P<140/90 mm of Hg) with no past or present history of hypertension.12 hours overnight fasting venous blood sample was collected from both the subject group in plane vacutainer and the sample was centrifuged for the estimation of fasting cholesterol level and electrolytes i.e. sodium (Na+), Potassium (K+). The study was carried out on two group of population, one group was subject group i.e. hypertensive group, consisting of 65 male and 35 females (total population =100) and another group is the control group i.e normotensive, consisting of 60 male and 40 females (total population = 100). The total cholesterol level significantly elevated in subject group compared to control group (p<0.001). The sodium level is statistically elevated in subject group when compared to control group (P<0.001). The potassium level significantly decreased in subject group when compared to control group (P<0.001). It has been noticed that the serum cholesterol level, serum sodium level were stastically elevated in hypertensive subjects, while serum potassium level is significantly reduced in hypertensive subject when compared to normotensive subjects.

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