Differential pulse voltammetric determination of amfepramone in pharmaceutical formulations and serum samples using glassy carbon electrode | Abstract
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Differential pulse voltammetric determination of amfepramone in pharmaceutical formulations and serum samples using glassy carbon electrode

Author(s): Sri Vidya D., Vishnu Priya M., N. Y. Sreedhar*


The electrochemical reduction of amfepramone (AFPN) was investigated systematically by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). A simple DPV technique was proposed for the direct quantitative determination of amfepramone (AFPN) in pharmaceutical formulations and serum samples for the first time. The reduction potential was -1.0V with glassy carbon electrode in phosphate buffer as supporting electrolyte. The dependence of the intensities of currents and potentials on pH, concentration, scan rate, deposition time, and nature of the supporting electrolyte was investigated. In the present investigation, the achieved limit of detection (LOD) was 3.2x10-8 M and a limit of quantification (LOQ) was 6.2x10-9M respectively. Excipients did not interfere with the determination of amfepramone (AFPN) in pharmaceutical formulations and serum samples. Precision and accuracy of the developed method were checked by recovery studies in pharmaceutical formulations and blood samples.

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