Dermatoglyphics (finger prints) as predilection marker for impacted teeth: A randomized blind trial | Abstract
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Dermatoglyphics (finger prints) as predilection marker for impacted teeth: A randomized blind trial

Author(s): Deepak Narang, Aruna Das, Praveen Kumar, Madan Sahani, Vivek Tripathi, Jaideep Sur, Fatima Khan, Abhishek Pandey, Vanita Rathod, Veena Desai


Impacted teeth are teeth which remain embedded in the jaws past their normal eruption time or which have been blocked from their normal eruption path because of crowding of adjacent teeth or lack of enough jaw size to accommodate their eruption. Impacted teeth can cause a number of problems if left in place. Dermatoglyphics is the study of skin patterns and finger ridges that present on the fingers, toes and the soles. Fingerprint patterns of both hands were analyzed among ten patients with impacted teeth seen clinically and radiographically and equal number of healthy subjects. This study showed that tented arch pattern in index fingers of both the hands has been observed in impacted subjects thus serving as an indicator of genetic susceptibility in the incidence of dental impaction.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.09.0012

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