Cypermethrin (a synthetic pyrethroid) induced histopathological alterations (gill, liver and kidney) in of a non-target organism, fish - a review | Abstract
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Cypermethrin (a synthetic pyrethroid) induced histopathological alterations (gill, liver and kidney) in of a non-target organism, fish - a review

Author(s): Neelima P.*, Srinivasa Rao G., Govinda Rao K., Chandra Sekhara Rao J.


Histopathological changes due to various pesticides have been extensively studied in different fish species. Histopathological studies have already been tested and proposed as efficient and sensitive tools for the monitoring of fish health and environmental pollution in natural water bodies. Organs like gill, liver, intestine and kidney are the best suited organs for histopathological observations. The toxic potential of cypermethrin, a synthetic pyrethroid was reviewed with emphasis on histopathological effects in various fish species. Data provided in this review could be useful in environmental management of pesticide pollution.

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