Cultural knowledge and treatment of childhood illness | Abstract
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Cultural knowledge and treatment of childhood illness

Author(s): Izabel Cristina Santiago Lemos, Giovana Mendes de Lacerda, Maysa de Oliveira Barbosa, Gyllyandeson de Araújo Delmondes, Patrícia Rosane Leite de Figueiredo, Dayanne Rakelly de Oliveira , Cicera Norma Fernandes, Roseli Barbosa, George Pimentel Fernandes, Marta Regina Kerntopf


Traditional knowledge emerges as a relevant figure in care used by mothers and caregivers for the management of acute respiratory infections, diarrhea and anemia. To understand the meaning given to the use of traditional knowledge by mothers or caregivers for the treatment of these illnesses, their reflexes to conventional treatment, as well as discuss the role of health professionals with regard to the use of plants and animals by mothers or responsible for the management the respiratory infections; diarrhea and anemia. The research was conducted in Santo Antônio community (Barbalha - CE). Techniques as “rapport” and “Snowball” were used for data collection, and a closed questionnaire and semi-structured interview were applied. For data analysis, the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD) was used. The sample included 54 informants. There were 19 key ideas identified, which revealed an appreciation of the use of natural resources to treat the respiratory infections; diarrhea and anemia, an association between conventional and traditional medicine in the management these common childhood illnesses and the need for health professionals value the popular knowledge in assistance provided. Health professionals are encouraged to include behaviors in their care practice that allow greater contact with local cultures, being able to measure what resources are used and how they can interfere on the prescribed therapy.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.09.004

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