Comparison between pamphlets and SMS on patterns of breakfast and between meal based on the health belief model among girl students of high schools in Sheiban city during academic year 2015-2016 | Abstract
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Comparison between pamphlets and SMS on patterns of breakfast and between meal based on the health belief model among girl students of high schools in Sheiban city during academic year 2015-2016

Author(s): Moradi S.H, Karami K.B, Shakeri Nejad G.H Saki Malehi A.


Nutrition has a direct role in creating, maintaining and improving of health. Breakfast is considered as one of the main meals and snacks as a major part of energy and nutrients supplier for children. This study aim to comparison between pamphlets and SMS instruction on breakfast and snack food consumption pattern based on the Health Belief Model among girls in high schools of Sheiban City. This intervention study involved three groups that were conducted by the two intervention groups and a control group among 300 female high school students. To determine the samples, three schools of girls and from each school 100 students were selected using random sampling method. The tools of data collection were a questionnaire which validated by a panel of experts and test-retest reliability and Cronbach's alpha calculation. Educational intervention was distribution of pamphlets and texting to the pamphlet and SMS groups, respectively. The statistical analysis of variance and covariance of collected data were performed by SPSS software version 22. The results were significant at level of P≤0.05. Comparing the two control and tested groups showed that mean score of Health Belief Model (susceptibility, severity, benefits, barriers, self-efficacy and cues to action) as well as breakfast and snack food consumption behavior scores of students significantly increased after the educational intervention in the intervention group compared to the control, but the education effects in both groups were similar. Education based on Health Belief Model by SMS and pamphlets was effective on breakfast and snack consumption behavior. There was no significant difference between educational effects of two methods.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.11.003

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