Comparative study of vermi compost using parthenium biodung and usual green biodung | Abstract
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Comparative study of vermi compost using parthenium biodung and usual green biodung

Author(s): Basarkar U. G.*, Kshirsagar G. S., Saoji A. A.


Parthenium hysterophorus has achieved major weed status in India and Australia within past few decades, and within last decade it has become one of the seven most dreaded weeds of the world. The weed reduces the dry matter of crops, sucks the nutrients and starves the crops. Thus considering the great importance of the problem, health hazards, nuisance value, resistive seeds, toxicity of parthenin, and quiet amount of nutrients inside the plant and its easy availability in large quantity, this green Parthenium weed is selected as a special bio-mass in this experiment aimed to degrade the whole plant including seeds biologically to prepare compost and thus recycling organic matter of the weed back to the soil to replenish it and at the same time reducing its toxicity through hot or aerobic composting. Present work was focused on biodegradation of Parthenium bio-mass safely so that the manure does not contain the seeds of Parthenium. Thus considering its easy availability in huge quantity, its immense nutritive potential, its hazardous effects on human being, its nuisance to the agricultural field, its large number of pollens causing pollution of air and allergenic diseases, this obnoxious weed was selected as special organic bio-mass for the preparation of compost. This experiment will prove a great asset to the farmers to use it with other green bio-mass for the preparation of compost without any doubt.

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