Comparative study of serum vitamin d levels and other biomarkers in patients attending tertiary cardiac care center | Abstract
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Comparative study of serum vitamin d levels and other biomarkers in patients attending tertiary cardiac care center

Author(s): Vivek Jain, Shaikh M. K.S.*, Siddhant Jain, Mukesh Meena


To study serum vitamin D levels in patients with proven CAD attending cardiology clinic of Sri Aurobindo Medical College and PG Institute, Indore and to compare it with control subjects. Total 50 patients with cardiovascular disorder diagnosed by ECG, ECHO or troponin I test were recruited for the study. Total 50 age sex matched healthy controls were also recruited for the study. Serum 25(OH) vitamin D and lipid profile estimation was done on automatic analyzer. A p value <0.05 was considered significant. Serum 25(OH) vitamin D was found significantly lower in cases as compared to controls. We also observed the significant difference in mean of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and LDL Cholesterol in between cases and controls. Serum Vitamin D estimation may be considered as an important surrogate marker for screening and prevention of CAD to improve the outcome which needs further exploration.

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