Comparative evaluation of 6-fluoro-3-(piperidin-4-yl) benzo[d] isoxazole derivatives and atypical antipsychotics for their anti-diabetic properties | Abstract
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Comparative evaluation of 6-fluoro-3-(piperidin-4-yl) benzo[d] isoxazole derivatives and atypical antipsychotics for their anti-diabetic properties

Author(s): Sharath Chandra S.P., Sathisha K. R., Puneeth H. R., Sharada A. C.*


Atypical antipsychotics used to treat psychotic disorders are known to be associated with extrapyramidal side effects when chronically administered. However there is also evidence of other metabolic side effects which includes type II diabetes mellitus. In the present study we have investigated the anti-diabetic properties of standard antipsychotic resperidone and synthesized molecules S1-S4, which showed significant antipsychotic properties in earlier studies. Studies were performed for α amylase inhibition, α glucosidase inhibition, sucrose inhibition, glucose estimation by GOD-POD method by in vitro gluconeogenesis analysis. In the all the studies performed we observed significant results for synthesized molecules S2 and S4 compared to atypical antipsychotic resperidone. Thus the study concludes that the synthesized molecules have fewer tendencies to cause type II diabetes mellitus when compared to atypical antipsychotic drug.

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