Comparative antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of bacterial isolates from postoperative wound infections | Abstract
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Comparative antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of bacterial isolates from postoperative wound infections

Author(s): Saraswathi R., Velayutharaj A., Shailesh Kumar, Umadevi S., Noyal M. J.


Wound infection is one of the major health issues that are caused and provoked by the incursion of pathogenic microorganisms. Information on intrinsic pathogens and sensitivity to antimicrobial agents and topical agents is crucial for successful treatment of various types of surgical wounds. The main objective of this study is to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of bacterial isolates from postoperative wound infection and their sensitivity towards antibiotics. Here in this study, the resistance patterns are highlighted. Pus swabs and aspirates were collected from 108 patients where standard bacteriological procedures were followed to identify the bacterial etiology. To confirm the isolates, morphological, microscopical and biochemical procedures followed. Further, it was extended to analyze the presence of resistant patterns against various antibiotics. The antibiotic susceptibility pattern of Gram negative bacteria showed higher resistance against the antibiotics, including ceftriaxone, cotrimaxazole, amikacin, ciprofloxacin and ampicillin. Gram positive bacterial isolates, maximum resistant pattern observed in ampicillin, cotrimaxazole, erythromycin, ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin and oxacillin. In conclusion, it is highlighted that gram negative bacterial isolates against nine antibiotics, five showed maximum resistance. Out of ten antibiotics, six showed resistant against gram positive bacterial isolates.

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