Community acquired pneumonia-current scenario among immunocompromised patients in a tertiary care hospital | Abstract
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Community acquired pneumonia-current scenario among immunocompromised patients in a tertiary care hospital

Author(s): A. V. Sowmya*, G. Jayalakshmi, David Agatha


Pneumonia is a common illness accounting for majority of hospitalizations worldwide with significant mortality and morbidity. Antimicrobial therapy, being the main stay of treatment, the choices of antibiotics depends on the nature of the etiologic agents and the host factors. The current study was aimed to identify the bacterial & fungal etiologic agents of Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) in Immunocompromised (IC) patients, with their antimicrobial resistant pattern and to analyze the associated immunocompromised states. Various respiratory samples from study group of 75 immunocompromised patients with features of pneumonia were collected, processed and the isolates were identified with their antimicrobial susceptibility& resistance pattern according to CLSI guidelines. The results were analyzed statistically. Diabetes mellitus is the most common immunocompromised state (48%) associated with CAP. Monomicrobial and polymicrobial infection rates were 80.36% and 19.64% respectively. Gram negative pathogens and fungal pathogens were identified in 60% and 25.37% of culture positive cases respectively. Diabetes mellitus is commonly found in association with polymicrobial infection (19.44%) and fungal infection (16.66%). Drug resistant strains comprise about 75% of MRSA strains, 72.72 % of ESBL producers and 3.44% of Amp C producers. As the number of elderly people with associated IC state is on rise, with change in the pattern of microbial etiologic agents causing CAP, a prior knowledge of the host and microbial factors will help in formulating empirical antimicrobial therapy and proper treatment thereby curbing the spread of infections by drug resistant pathogens and the associated morbidity and mortality.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.01.004

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