Calculation of the physiochemical parameters of catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fed locally formulated feeds (earth worm) | Abstract
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Calculation of the physiochemical parameters of catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fed locally formulated feeds (earth worm)

Author(s): Amaechi C., Solomon J. R.*


This study was conducted in the biological department of the University of Abuja; to access the physiochemical parameters of catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fed locally earth worm fishmeal. The earth worm meal is composed of fishmeal (400g), corn (280g), rice bran (200g), and groundnut cake (120g). Proximate Analysis was analyzed as follows: Moisture (60g), Crude protein (12), Ash (10), and Crude lipid (12). The earthworm meal varies with replacement level at 0%, 30%, and 50% for Treatment A, B, and C respectively. Fishes were stocked at a density of 15 fingerlings per tank and fed twice daily at 4% body weight. From result obtained, temperature in all the treatments were within the same range (26oC-27oC), dissolved oxygen concentration for treatment A (4.98mg/l) was below the optimum level for good growth,(5.03mg/l), and pH level shows alkalinity in all the treatment ranging from 7.10 - 8.71, and nitrate level (0.01-0.04mg/l) was observed to be optimal in all treatments. Concentration of ammonia ranged from (0.01-8mg/l) in Treatment A, B, and C. Highest value of mean weight (0.33g) and mean length (0.34cm) gained was noticed in Treatment C. The result shows a significant differences (P<0.05) on the mean weight, mean length, specific growth rate, food conversion efficiency and survival rate. Earthworm meal is therefore considered effective, on the basis of good water quality to enhance production and survival performance.

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