Awareness among young dentists about transmission of h.i.v and preventive measures | Abstract
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Awareness among young dentists about transmission of h.i.v and preventive measures

Author(s): Anand Amritraj, Poornima Sawri Rajan, Nandita Shenoy*, Dharnappa Poojary, Siddarth Shetty


HIV/AIDS has profoundly affected every aspect of the health sector. Most importantly doctor’s attitude of avoiding treatment of HIV patients is mainly due to their apprehensions caused by their lack of understanding of the disease and its modes of transmission. To assess the knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of risk of occupational transmission of HIV in a group of dental students. Design-Cross sectional anonymous questionnaire survey of all occupational groups in a large inner city teaching hospital. Overall correct responses were given by most of the respondents. Others either gave wrong responses or answered ‘Not-sure’. Well known modes of HIV transmission like, blood transfusion, needle stick injuries and question about vertical transmission to newborn were answered correctly by more than 90% of the respondents. Correct responses were very low to query of possibility of spread by saliva [58.2%]. Higher percentage of correct responses by BDS graduates compared to MDS graduates was statistically significant [p>0.05]. These findings highlight the importance of teaching the dental students on various aspects of the disease. Universal Work Precautions implementation should be emphasized at an early level of their curriculum and reinforced from time to time.

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