Assessment of genetic diversity based on polypeptide banding pattern among different isolates of Aspergillus flavus using SDS-PAGE. | Abstract
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Assessment of genetic diversity based on polypeptide banding pattern among different isolates of Aspergillus flavus using SDS-PAGE.

Author(s): Dr. Garima *, Manish Chittora, Kartikeya Tiwari*


A quantitative categorization of total storage proteins profile of 6 isolates of Aspergillus flavus was performed by sodium dodecyl sulphate- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). This technique was used to explore the level of genetic discrepancy in A. flavus isolates. Total soluble proteins were resolved on 10% resolving gel. A total of 27 polypeptide bands were obtained among which 20 bands were present in all isolates but other 7 bands of molecular weight (127.38, 110.14, 109.74, 97.62, 93.83, 74.98 and 59.03 KDa) showed variation. Dendrogram based on electrophoretic data clustered the varieties mainly into two groups. In conclusion, electrophoretic bands (SDS-PAGE) of storage proteins can provide a potent tool to estimate genetic variation and relation among isolates. The specific bands of seed storage protein profiles may be used as markers for identification of the varieties.

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