Assessment of antibacterial activity of hot aqua extract of Senna didymobotrya leaves | Abstract
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Assessment of antibacterial activity of hot aqua extract of Senna didymobotrya leaves

Author(s): Mutuku Chrispus Ngule*, Hellen Mueni Ndiku


Nature is a paradise of medicinal solutions to all ailments affecting human beings through medicinal plants. Medicinal plants are being used widely to treat against the currently widespread strains of drug resistant microbes. Nosocomial infections are defined as the infections acquired by a patient or a health professional in the hospital or any other health care setting. Nosocomial infections remain to be a problem in the health of human beings with approximately 5 to 15% of all patients in regular wards and more than 50% of the patients in the intensive care units in the developed countries affected. Senna didymobotrya is widely used traditionally to treat against various illnesses such as abdominal pains, stomach problems and as an anthelmintic. The current study was done to investigate the plants leaves water extract potency to curtail selected nosocomially infectious microorganisms. From the study, the plant was found to inhibit the growth of all the selected nosocomial infectious microorganisms. The antibacterial activity of the plant against the selected microorganisms is notable since the microorganisms have been found to be major causative agents of nosocomial infections. However, additional work needs to be done to isolate the active compounds, determine their structural elucidation and prepare aseptic solutions from the water plant’s extract.

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